Decisive Coaching
Reboot Your Life:
One-on-One Coaching
Inspired by Tony Robbins’ Proven Methods
As a Tony Robbins-trained coach, I offer personalized retreats to help you reboot your mindset, relationships, and health in a luxury setting. I also provide one-on-one coaching both online and in-person at my office, ensuring flexible options to suit your needs

Fibromyalgia - CFS
Sams Video
Here are just a few success stories

Fibromyalgia Obesity M.E
When I stumbled across Chris back in July 2015, I knew I needed something radical to happen for my health and life to improve let alone give me a chance to actually live again.
Chris gave me the empowerment to take control of Me, and find the very best version of me again, we found my truth and filed away some old belief systems.
Freeing up my mind meant I could deal with what I needed to to get my health back. A few lifestyle changes meant energy, health restored and 9 stone weight loss.
I am forever grateful for the support and knowledge Chris provided to me. It literally has changed my life. I have gone from bed, walking stick and wheel chair user unable to work, to trained Personal Trainer, back in work, fit, healthy wife and mother again, with all the tools I need to continue to grow.
Thank you Chris x
Sam Dobson
Non Hodgkin Lymphoma
2016 I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (a blood cancer)...........
At the end of January this year (2018), I was medically declared cancer free! Just saying thank you to Chris does not begin to convey the gratitude I feel. Chris most certainly turned my life around and I’m smiling again!
Pauline Rogers
I.B.S (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) & Fibromyalgia
IBS Fibromyalgia Anxiety and back pain had become part of me for much of my life.
Chris helped me understand that the diagnosis and treatment plan i had received from my doctor does not have to be the only way of treating my health problems.
i actually started healing myself by correcting areas of my life that were out of balance.
Who'd have thought that the way we live our life in the finest detail determines the quality of our health. Quite amazing !! Thank you Chris X
Susan B_______
I.B.S M.E & Fibromyalgia
"The only thing you'll regret is not reaching out sooner"
I was diagnosed with (M.E, Fibromyalgia, Chronic I.B.S Overweight, Various Addictions)
I was in a very chronic place and still on my journey of recovery, i am so grateful to Chris and Decisive Health program.
S___ Bains